[Token R.I.P Whitney Houston Post]

“…. [Insert cliché intro here] ….”

“… [Insert copy and pasted bio from wiki here] …”

[Embed popular song from YouTube here]

[More farcical bollocks here]

[Insert moral of life and death here]

[Upload a reasonable sized picture]

R.I.P Whitney Houston.

Yea she was good and all of that but apart from being subjected to her music back in the early ’90s whilst being forced to clean the house on a Sunday and watch her silly movie, I have nothing to offer other than insignificant irony.


6 thoughts on “[Token R.I.P Whitney Houston Post]

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  4. Pingback: Whitney Houston R.I.P. « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  5. Pingback: R.I.P Whitney « FrontRowGeek

  6. Pingback: R.I.P: Whitney Houston « Caribbeanrecipekits's Blog

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