iEat: Tesco Blueberry Muffins

There’s nothing like a Tesco’s Blueberry Muffin, when you’re feeling blue.
There’s something about a Blueberry muffin which doesn’t quite cheer you up nor make you feel better but it always tastes the same, amazing.

I used to be a fan of chocolate chip and cherry, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve become accustomed to the pleasures of the blueberry muffin.
It’s no longer crunchy nor too bitter, the crust at the top is the right texture whilst the core of the muffin is lovely and soft.

The blueberry muffin has become a pillow to my heartache, a pillow to the melancholy trains of thought, a warm shroud of pleasantries at times when I’m not so blue, or blue at all.

The blueberry muffin will always be my guilty pleasure, I’d always have time for one, once in a while. I’d always set aside time to indulge in a blueberry muffin and eat away the ills and hardships of humanity.
I’d always have time for my special friend, always the same, never change the recipe because it needs no improvements, additives, nothing…

There’s nothing like a Tesco’s blueberry muffin.


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